We all die one day. Now whether you believe in a Heaven or hell, it doesn't change what God's Word says about it. And I mean that with all sincerity, compassion, and grace. Not trying to be harsh at all. But we all need a wakeup call to the fact that one day we all will spend eternity somewhere after we die. 31 yrs. ago I received my wakeup call from God. One, my first-born child was born and the responsibility of being a parent weighed heavily on me. Secondly, for the first time in my life I realized I was lost and headed to hell if I didn’t turn to Christ. I did and I am so thankful!
The "wide gate" here refers to an eternal place called "Hell". It is a very real place. Jesus spoke more about it during His earthly ministry than he ever did of Heaven. (Luke 16:19-31) speaks of an account of a person in hell. Science even proves there is a hell also. One of these devotions I will go into more detail.
Now the "narrow gate" is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said in, (John 10:9a) "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved...".
But this is not what convicted me into writing today. It is one simple word in (vs. 14) of the text, "few". So, the question is, "are you the FEW?" Only 8 people escaped the flood. 4 were spared before the destruction of Sodom. What about you today?
Friend, we are living in the “last days”. And one day soon the antichrist will appear and this world will fall under a one world government, one world ruler, and one world religion (wide gate). And those that choose not to accept Christ as their Saviour, according to the Bible, will one day end up in a lake of fire for all eternity.
So let me ask you again, “are you the FEW?” If you died yesterday, where would your eternity be? I hope and pray you are in the "few". It is not too late today to know for sure. Don't let pride or religion hinder you from coming to Christ today. The only thing you truly own in this life is a choice. Make the right one today!
Christian, will you be the “few” that will “…go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come…” according to (Luke 14:23)?